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Exciting News for St John's Children - More Forest School!

Children at St John's Primary School where our first site is based have always had access to the Forest School. In order to make sure every child had access, small groups of children access the area on a weekly basis. The access is called OWL and the children only access it for an hour.

We have re-organised the time table for Forest School to ensure more Forest School for all.

What is happening?

From September 2023 OWL will cease and in its place will be two hour Forest School Sessions, with all the trimmings - activities, fire, tool use, biscuits and hot chocolate!

How is this possible?

Since opening our second site we have been able to streamline and expand our offerings to even more children. We have taken on more staff and St John's has benefited from this, resulting in every child accessing valuable Forest School Sessions as part of their curriculum.

How will it work?

All year groups will have a term of Forest School sessions once a year. The year group will be split into two groups. One will attend for one half term, the other for the second half term. The class teacher will choose the groups.

Who will run the sessions

Kay and Laura will run the sessions. Both are very experienced Forest School leaders and are already known to many of the children and staff as they have been at St John's for a term already, as well as running after school and holiday clubs.

When will my child's turn be?

The table below will show you which term your child will attend Forest School

​Year R

​Summer Term

Year 1

​Summer Term

Year 2

​Summer Term

Year 3

​Spring Term

Year 4

Spring Term

Year 5

Autumn Term

Year 6

Autumn Term

What about Nursery?

The Nursery school will continue to access the Forest School as they do now, every week.

Will the intervention/SEN afternoon Forest School groups still happen?

Yes! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon groups will remain for those children who need this service. The school SENCO chooses the children for these groups.


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